Colorado-04-29-08-I was returning from a night of training at my gym, on the way home, about 11:00-11:10 PM. It was about a 1 hour drive. I was heading south on Wadsworth, and as soon as I passed 44th and Wads cross street, a green orb flew southeast over Wadsworth, about 100-200 ft above my car.At first I thought it was green fireworks, because I saw lights behind it, and it looked as if fireworks exploded. But the green orb was moving too fast easterly to be fireworks in the wind. The lights behind it reminded me of a jet or helicopter.The lights following the orb were white in a close V-shape, with a green light on one side and red on the other, I concluded a human vehicle. The light was moving faster than any jet I've ever seen fly in a suburban area, and the jet or helicopter was trying to keep up with it. It was moving so fast I couldn't keep up with them going 40 MPH in my vehicle.I tried to follow them with my eyes, but lost them behind some buildings, and by the time I got to a street that followed their direction, both were gone from my view. I started calling my friends letting them know what I saw. I was freaking out, and didn't know if I should call 911 or police, or what. I have never seen anything fly that low and quick in the city, and no one I called would believe what I just saw.The next morning on the way to work I was heading east on Colfax toward Denver, and I saw two sets of 2 black government helicopters flying close together over Denver, and more north toward Lakewood. After seeing those the next morning, I knew something wasn't right, and it confirmed that something happened the night before, so I decided to report this.
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