Friday, May 16, 2008

Catholic Astronomer Says "OK to Believe in Aliens"

From an article in the Vatican newspaper comes a statement from the Reverend Jose Gabriel Funes. This statement gives full approval for a Catholic to believe in aliens. Funes is the top astronomer at the Vatican, and he says that the great vastness of the universe certainly makes it possible that beings other than man may exist. This comes as no surprise, really, as other spokesmen for the Church have made similar statements before.
The main gist of the statement is that this "belief" does not constitute a contradiction with one's faith in God, or the Catholic Church doctrine. We can certainly take this a step further with no problem, and say that anyone who believes in God, can also possess this belief, and not be hypocritical. This has been a point of contention for many years among some Christians, who assert that since the Bible only mentions mankind as existing on planet Earth, it precludes the existence of life elsewhere.
Personally, I have not felt that contradiction, but it has often been discussed among Ufologists, UFO students, and skeptics. What do you think? Does a faith in God, and the Bible make it impossible for you to also believe in alien life? Is it a contradiction of your religious belief?

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